Why Affirma

Reduce Complexity. Gain Business Value.

Reduce Project Costs

Gartner estimates you can save up to 70% through a managed data fabric.  Affirma reduce life-cycle costs for integrating systems and data stores through reusability.

Single Version of Truth

Affirma allows for a centralized managed enterprise semantic model that create a congruent data definition and semantics across all enterprise interfaces (APIs, data pipelines, data stores).

Increase Data Confidence

Semantic modeling and metadata management can help to provide confidence in that data being fit for purpose, and trustworthy, throughout its lifecycle.

Enable Digitization

Provide flexible and scalable integration and automation.  Increase the ability to adapt and change without major impact to other systems.   Supports implementation of a microservice and a data fabric architecture.

Holistic Decision Making

Gain access to metadata enabling the ability to assimilate data required for decision making, analysis, planning, risk management and reporting.

Utilize Industry Standards

Industry standards jump start effort while reducing risk of costly foundational oversights.  Promotes the move towards vendor-independence from both a business and data perspective and a loosely coupled architecture.

Built on Leading Technology

Affirma is built upon and leverages leading technology and techniques including:

  • OWL, RDF & Graph
  • W3C Semantic Web standards
  • Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)
  • Notation3 and EYE Reasoner
  • Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL)

Our approach enables the future roadmap of Affirma to utilize Active Metadata Management with ML and AI. 


Affirma for Harmonized Data Fabric or Data Mesh

Affirma provides harmonized data integration and analytics across your data fabric beginning with the data catalog for creating and curating your enterprise semantic model to model-driven build automation for integration and analytics so that you can focus on innovation.



Build for the future

Building for the future requires imagination and it also requires a strategy. All business functions and processes can become data driven, but it requires seeing with fresh eyes in order to embrace a new vision. Knowing and understanding the environment today is fundamental and then the feeling of awe when you realize what is possible. Our aim is to make it possible for you to challenge the status quo, to create the change you wish to see.

We are conceptualizing the overall solution and not simply solving one problem at a time.


Connect everybody and everything

Even before the world aimed to become connected, we understood the importance of data and how its use would escalate beyond traditional boundaries to reveal new insights and innovation. Our data centered design approach focuses on the data and your resulting data experience. The overall data journey therefore begins in planning stages and not as an after thought, for connected people, processes and technology.

We created a critical part of the technology puzzle for a cohesive data ecosystem.


Knowledge you can trust

We are thought leaders when it comes to data management through our work with international standards organizations and our work directly with our global clients. Over the years we built experience, converted into internal products, which greatly benefited us and now shared with you to accelerate your digital transformation.

We deliver our products with the same dedication as our services.

Affirma for Information Technology

Adapting to change and minimizing cost while improving delivery

Application portfolios are constantly evolving as new business needs arise and legacy applications are retired.

"Understand data lineage to communicate impact and enable reusability"

affirma for operations

Affirma for Operations

Integrating segmented data for enhanced decision making

You have invested in tools, technologies and solutions but the data is segmented.

“Integrate data governance and semantics to deliver analytics across boundaries.”

affirma for business

Affirma for Business Strategy

Treating data as a critical asset to drive innovation

Our world is changing faster than ever before, requiring innovative and resilient businesses strategies.

“Build foresight capabilities for financial, operational, and digital resilience.”

affirma logo

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