How does a pile of data become useful?
Too often we get caught up on desired outcome because we “know” what we want. We don’t take the time upfront to organize and ensure we have a foundation for how to move forward. Very similar to the approach I would take as a child getting a brand-new Lego set. Of...
Can your data model support your Next Generation Data Analytics? Part 2: Volume, Velocity, Variety and Value
In part 2 of this blog series the focus will be on the considerations of processing of the data volume, velocity, variety, and value. The content will drive to what are the core elements that one should consider.
Use weather data to make the grid resilient
We are facing an increased number of extreme weather events impacting public safety first and foremost and resulting in billion-dollar disasters. Tornadoes, hurricanes, freezes, and fires impact the ability of any utility to provide safe and reliable electricity to...
Can your data model support your Next Generation Data Analytics? Part 1: Modern Data Platform
As I started writing this piece, it became a bit longer because this question really involves two pieces, neither of which can be adequately addressed in a short form narrative. As a result, two related blog posts were created. One blog post, which you are reading...
On Ontology: Poetic Assertions
Parmenides of Elea was a Greek philosopher who lived 2,500 years ago. His primary surviving work is a poem often referred to as “On Nature,” the objective of which is to separate truth from opinion. “What is” and “What is not.” Parmenides is considered one of the...
Is the CIM glass Half Full or Half Empty?
Most large electric utilities have had at least one project to ‘try out’ the industry standard Common Information Model (CIM). Several utilities have even moved on to basing their large-scale enterprise application integration efforts on it. While these small and...